Tax law
Regarding tax law, we advice any other very small companies or group of companies, private individuals, or anykinds of activities engaged or involved in this tax strategie, national or international matter.
Our expert knowledge allow us to guide and give a choice to our clients as a strategic and tactic advice with high legal protection and in the other hand we assist them during their meeting with the tax authorities and their pre-court step and contentious.

Our field of intervention
- Advising clients relating corporate taxation issues (tax credit declaration, VAT corporate tax, local tax, real estate capital gain declaration…)
- Assisting clients permanently in their relationships with the tax authorities and follow up of their tax situation, especially for the establishment of the tax result
- Assisting during tax control and contentious
- Realize tax review to identify any contingent tax risk and possible tax rationalisation
- Advising about indirect and indirect tax legislation in the frame of internationl sale or services contracts
- Advising clients in the set up operation subject, in order to finalize the most adopted tax strategy with less risk
- Assisting along exceptionnal operations, as well as in business gift or sale, incorporation of ownership business or merger-acquisition operations
- Assisting in the field of transfert pricing policy and transfer revenues as safe alternatives (stocks-options, interests, ….)
- Filling out individual tax returns (income tax or real estate tax) or drafting contracts as « Pacte Dutreil »